"I want to throw away my Treo!"

"I want to throw away my Treo," were the laments of a recent customer expressed to me. She had owned her PDA/Smartphone for over a year and was driven crazy by the constant sleep mode and need to hit the center navigation key to turn off the key guard.

Before you pitch your high dollar device into the garbage out of frustration, know this: If there is anything you don't like about your Treo, there is a way to change it. If there is something that you wish your device would do, there is almost guaranteed a software download that will make your device function per your desire.

Taking off the key-guard for example is a simple setting in the preferences. On your device, from the home screen, go to the preferences menu. Under the General tab, there is a Keyguard option where you can alter how and when that keyguard is activated.

If you need help or want additional education on using your device, Top Priority Wireless, LLC is available to visit your location or schedule a mini-PDA class to train users on the uses of your investment.

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